Stomach Hernia

The diagnosis of gastric hernia is often made by examining these areas with the help of a light tool (hose form) made from a special material called endoscopy or by taking a drug substance and taking the x-ray of the stomach and duodenum. Medication to the patient before these tests are delayed, leading to the patient being late for appropriate treatment. Heart diseases, liver and gall bladder diseases also can make the same complaints.

Is the stomach stomach visible from the outside?
Since the stomach is a problem that concerns the organs of the stomach, it can not be seen with the eyes like belly, groin, thigh hernias.
What are the factors that facilitate the formation of reflux disease?
• Medical conditions: obesity and pregnancy
• Personal habits: Alcohol and cigarettes
• Foods: Citrus fruits such as chocolate, coffee, mint, greasy foods, carbonated beverages (cola, soda, mineral water, beer etc.), milk, lemon, orange and grapefruit, bitter, spicy and fried foods • Drugs:
1. Drugs that lower the pressure of the valve: birth control pills, nitrates, theophylline, narcotic drugs, calcium channel blockers, beta-adrenergic drugs, alpha-adrenergic drugs.
2. Drugs that ruin the surface of the larynx: aspirin, rheumatism drugs (ibuprofen, etc.), quinidine, tetracycline, potassium and iron drugs.

How is the cure for the stomach?
Changes in the way of life
• It helps to lift the head of your bed. Upgrading with pillows is not enough, but instead of raising the head of the bed fully, it is beneficial.
• Nutrition changes: Avoid the above-mentioned reflux-facilitating foods. Make your meals less frequent (try 4-5 meals instead of 3 meals a day, but try eating less).
• Avoid smoking.
• Lose weight; It is known that the intraabdominal pressure increases with excess weight and can overcome the pressure of the resting stomach.
• After meals do not bend and sleep, do not bend for 1 hour, do not take any items, and do not tie your shoes.
• Remember that any STRESS will increase your stomach troubles.
• Antacid (antacid) drugs
• Aluminum, calcium and magnesium salts
• Substance-forming drugs.
• H2 blockers group drugs.
Proton pump inhibitors.
• Prokinetics.
Continued low levels of stomach acid in long-term use of these drugs lead to an increase in the number of bacteria.
Treatment of the stomach pit is done primarily with various medicines and it is tried to prevent damage caused by stomach acid. Patient surgery is recommended for patients who have not been treated for many years, such as when there are some changes in the cells or if the patient has a large nerve endoscopically or x-rayed, or is unable to respond to medication. In recent years, this operation has been done by laparoscopic procedure (called non-bloodless surgery in the public and repairing the hernia without cutting the patient's abdomen with the help of a telescope and various instruments). It is seen that the complaints of the patients are left in the middle of the rim after surgery with appropriate technique.
Although gastroesophageal reflux disease is seen in 30-40% of the population, only 30% of these patients will have to drink a lifetime medication. Laparoscopic reflux surgery, which provides permanent treatment in this group of patients, is considered as the only alternative when considering side effects and cost problems of continuous drug use. Today, the success rate of laparoscopic and robotic surgery is over 90%

Last update: 17 Jan 2024

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